We love to hear your feedback. We like to know if you are happy with your home, our service and our support. It makes us better at what we do!
We do our very best to get things right first time, but if there are times when you feel we could do better, we’d like to know about it and how you think we could improve things.
Compliments: please let us know when you are happy with the service we provide. It’s great to know that we are doing a good job. Get in touch by leaving a written or verbal message with our Scheme Managers and Administrators at Phoenix House and Trinity Apartments, or our supported housing team.
Complaints: our complaints procedure is open to everyone who receives a service from us. If you are not satisfied with the service you received, please let us know. You can complain in person, by writing a letter or email to us or over the phone.
Complaints can be made to: complaints@scha.org.uk. We aim to respond to complaints within 5 working days.
For any other queries, please contact our scheme managers:
Phoenix House: Nick Twigger, Scheme Manager: nicktwigger@scha.org.uk
Trinity Apartments: Hafiza Khanam, Scheme Manager: hafizakhanam@scha.org.uk
Supported Housing: Jason Bostock, Supported Housing and Maintenance Manager: jasonbostock@scha.org.uk
- Click here to download SCHA’s Complaints Policy and Procedure
- Click here to download our latest Annual Self-Assessment Complaint Form, in line with the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code
- Click here to download the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaints Handling Code
- Click here to download our Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report 2023-2024
- Click here to download our Governing Body Response (Complaints): 2023-2024
Anti-social behaviour (ASB): we know how difficult and stressful life can be if you experience anti-social behaviour of any kind and we take a pro-active approach to resolve issues as quickly as possible.
We also recognise our responsibilities to the wider community and work closely with residents, community groups and other relevant agencies such as the Police and local authority.
What to do: If you are experiencing anti-social behaviour please get in touch with us as soon as possible by speaking to the Scheme Manager if you live at one of our extra care apartments (Phoenix House or Trinity Apartments), or our Supported Housing Officer if you live at one of our supported housing schemes.
Complaints about support services: If you wish to make a complaint about a support service, such as adult and social care services, domestic care services, GP, pharmacy, hospital etc., we can support you to make a complaint. Please speak to the Scheme Manager if you live at one of our extra care apartments (Phoenix House or Trinity Apartments), or our Supported Housing Officer if you live at one of our supported housing schemes.
In addition to the above, compliments, comments and complaints can be raised at our regular residents’ meetings.
Have your say:
We’re grateful to the many customers who already do so much to help us understand the things SCHA can do to make a difference in their lives. If you’d like to join them, there are lots of ways you can get involved:
- Look out for our newsletters: we send out regular newsletters that provide updates and what’s going on at SCHA and explain how you can get involved.
- Tell us your views on the services you’ve had from us – good or bad, by contacting us.
- Take part in focus groups or surveys. From time to time we invite customers to be part of a focus group, or to take part in a survey. It’s entirely up to you whether you participate, but we listen carefully to all the responses we get and use them to make decisions about our work.
- Become a Community Voice. These customers serve as a local link to SCHA for their area and a representative for their neighbours. Let us know if you would like to be a Community Voice.
- At our Extra Care services Phoenix House and Trinity Apartments, Residents’ Meetings are held quarterly, offering residents the opportunity to meet, discuss and act on local issues. Your Scheme Manager can give you information on this.